You can buy new autumn outfits, jewelery, or books on Pomůžu jak můžu second-hand shop…and it helps as well!

29. 9. 2021

On Saturday 2 October, we were able to organize a meeting and a second-hand store at Centrum PANT in Ostrava, which we called ‘How ordinary women help ordinary women in the country, where children are dying from starvation and the world is silent about it’.

It has been an initiative of Mámy pro Jemen and they are looking forward to seeing you, as well as us, Pomůžu jak můžu. The store will be open since 3 pm, there will also be a free tasting of traditional Yemeni food and a presentation about being a volunteer medic in Yemen for 5 years, the daily struggle of Yemen, what do we all have in common. But it will also be about how our Sanaa canteen works, who eat there, what we cook, why we in the Czech Republic are helping in Yemen, and how we even met Sabina Addailamy and her family.

How will it go? Nicely, friendly, and cheerfully. Our friends from Mámy pro Jemen chose some very exclusive pieces of clothing for you to buy. So, an original autumn outfit, which will also help somebody, is guaranteed. With it you can also buy some books for long winter nights and last but not least jewellery, which was made by children to help children in a far away country. There will also be available extraordinary Yemeni jewellery, which is now unobtainable.

It will be an afternoon to remember, so bring your friends and children and spend an afternoon in a pleasant environment, drink a nice coffee, buy a gift for yourself and others, and just feel fine.

We are personally looking forward to seeing you. From Mámy pro Jemen: Martina Neuwirthová, Kateřina Bílá a Lenka Jonsztová and from Pomůžu jak můžu: Taťána Boháčová, Dáda Kyzková a Šárka Mokrá.

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